Hi, I’m Sandy Hall and I’m dedicated to helping you become happy, healthy & empowered to create the life of your dreams!

I do this by offering Holistic Health & Nutrition consultations, Coaching programs, and CranioSacral therapy combined with Reiki to offer a natural and effective way to assist the body on your path to health and wellness.

Some of the many hats I wear include being a wife of 20 years, a mom to 2 wonderful kids ages 11 & 14, a Reiki Master & Craniosacral therapist, and a holistic health & success coach.

As early as elementary school I remember having chronic pain issues that no-one could figure out the reason or remedy for. I’d get some relief, but they were never really gone. The issues changed throughout the years, but in my teen’s, at 17, I was diagnosed with Endometriosis. That led me on a journey of surgery, drugs, more surgery, depression & anxiety, physical therapy, natural & alternative medicines, and ultimately to taking control of my own health rather than just accepting what someone told me was the final answer.

I believe that the body has a tremendous ability to heal itself, but in order to do so needs to be supported in a holistic way – mind, body and spirit.

In general, I believe that there isn’t one right answer to a problem (health or otherwise) and depending on your unique situation there is a solution (or combination of them) that will work for you. This applies to health, relationships, and happiness.

With two kids who respond very differently to situations and parenting styles I’ve had to become very creative in finding solutions that work while keeping my sanity!

It’s through this quest for alternative solutions that I’ve become an avid learner and am consistently working to increase my knowledge and skills to be able to better help others.  Recently, I have graduated from the American College of Healthcare Science with a degree in the Applied Science in Complementary Alternative Medicine, Herbal Medicine Specialization.   I have learned about the science, history and art behind so many wonderful alternative healing options such as nutrition, aromatherapy, homeopathy, flower essences, and herbs just to name a few.  All this wonderful knowledge has given me a firm foundation to help you with all of your health and wellness goals.

I am also a certified Integrative Wellness & Life Coach, which is the perfect combination for creating long lasting health and wellness in all areas of your life.

In addition, my craniosacral (CST) education through the Upledger Institute has helped me learn how to complement the body’s natural healing processes, which is helpful as a preventive health measure for its ability to bolster resistance to disease, and is also effective for a wide range of medical problems associated with pain and dysfunction. Combined with Reiki and other mindfulness trainings I have completed, balancing the mind, body and spirit is an uplifting and restorative process.

I believe that life is a journey and we are all doing the best we can.

I’m not perfect, and neither is my family – we make mistakes, we fight, sometimes I get bogged down by fear and self-doubt, and when I’m stressed I have health issues that flair up. But through it all we also laugh, hug, and support each other and that’s what I offer for you.

My commitment is to be the best that I can be in any given moment and to bring you the best of myself, being real and honest about both the trials and the triumphs of life. Here, there is no room for judging, only accepting.

I am devoted to helping you become empowered to live the healthiest, happiest, most vibrant life of your dreams.

If you’ve read this far, thank you. I hope that this is a beginning to a wonderful relationship! I’d love to learn more about you as well. Please sign up below for updates, including healthy habits, tricks and tips to keep you healthy and happy! I promise not to spam you or send a ton of marketing material.

If you have any questions, would like more information on any of my services, or to schedule a free 15-minute call to see if we’re a good fit to work together, please contact me today!

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